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Posts in my journey
The connection you create with your body soaks into all areas of your life.

For a long time, I lived so much outside of myself that I didn't have an h"om"e to feel safe, secure, & at peace.
Anxiety, depression, negative thoughts, addictive sexual thinking, were what I considered home.

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I taught my first group fitness class when I was 18.

Eleven years later, not much has changed. I still get butterflies before I teach & the music is what get's my creativity flowing.

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Getting out of the head & back into the body.

Alcohol, promiscuous sexual endeavors & over-exercising fed this toxic cycle for my self-confidence, yet it was the only way I felt I could get out of my head & into my body.

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What is Cannabis Fitness Training?

From bongs & spinning to becoming a movement scientist, this video runs deep into ma 11 years as a personal trainer & how MBP grew into Cannabis Fitness.

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Over 10 years ago I wrote this lil piece & today it feels HUGE!

To be bulimic free, a great personal trainer & to be happy is literally a dream come true.

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Freedom is in our bones.

Actually, in our muscles, tendons & ligaments too, when we honor it.
I woke up super stoked today—all giddy about the 4th of July.
It wasn't the fireworks, guns, or food that got me feeling hype...well, maybe

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Claiming your energetic space isn't selfish; it's really healthy.

For a long time and even moments like today, I find myself feeling Closter phobic from family, friends, clients.

As if I can't breathe.

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Back in skool :) Taking three classes dis summer!

Over a month ago, I dove into @sisters.of.the.mermaid.moon The Crystal Priestess Entrepreneur, which got me upgradin' myself & MBP.

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P.S: I'm trailblazing on the path to good ol' clean energy even If it looks like this somedays LMAO

On Tuesday I wrote a post about trusting yourself even when you don't know what that looks likes.

& after this morning, I'm pretty sure it looks a lot like this meme...LMAO

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Anxiety is a precious gift of love to yourself.

What I mean is I used to be afraid to drive on the highway.

Everytime I got in the car and knew I had to be on the highway, I'd start panicking.

All the "what if's" would overwhelm me & I'd be in a state of flight or fight in no time.

Neurotic & on-edge.

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Be, do, have.

I was stuck in the "do" phase for years and wondered why the f*ck things were never working out for me.

Confused, depressed, anxious, and so upset with the world for not reciprocating my needs, I felt abandoned.

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Gentle guidance from a good friend up above. Rest easy, Vince.

A dear friend of mine that was a massage therapist & personal trainer passed away last year.

We worked together on and off for years at the same gym, traveled to Michigan for functional movement school

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It's okay to put your life first before your family, friends, or lovers.

Establishing your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual & financial needs on your own is SO healthy.

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Nature, exercise, and cannabis became my coach.

It felt like I was re-wiring my brain back to homeostasis after being stuck in flight-or-flight for so long.

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It's day 14 of my RSO experience, and I'm lovin' the results so far.

Here are a few pros ➕

▪︎ Modest appetite during my pre-menstrual week; usually imma a food feen.
▪︎ Mental chatter is at peace- clear thinking.
▪︎ SUPER aware of any anxiousness that starts to build. Usually, I don't notice the anxiety until I'm about to burn out or crave coffee.

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Being healthy was my home & it was time to be it, unconditionally.

For a long time, I felt disconnected from people and the world, so I ran off into the wilderness to pursue a self-sustainable lifestyle. From the east coast to the west coast, I searched

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