
High & Healthy Human Cannabis Fitness Programs

If you’re here, you’re probably into nature, fitness, cannabis, or all of the above

You’re also most likely here to better your mind-body health through a natural, holistic way.

These cannabis fitness programs are designed for you to do that at your own pace, with just the right amount of guidance from a coach who’s experienced in fitness, cannabis, and combining them both.

Whether you’re a beginner in cannabis fitness or an advanced participant, these customized programs are hand-crafted to grow your mind, body, spirit & emotional well-being.


How does cannabis fitness work?

What are the benefits & risks?

Cannabis Fitness looks different for each individual. It’s not a one-size-fits-all. For example, if you’re dealing with pain like sciatica we might discover through your 1-1 session that it’s essential for you to start flexibility training. I might also recommend a CBD/ THC topical for relief so you’re not in pain while stretching.

Another example might be, someone struggling to lose weight. Let’s call her Jane for this scenario…Jane has tried for years to lose weight. She’s found some success in exercising and dieting but the weight eventually keeps returning. Jane understands that her weight loss is due to her emotions too, she tends to overeat when anxious, bored, or upset. My session with Jane would be talking about this and then getting her working 1-1 with me 2x per week.

We would focus on building her fitness foundation from the ground up using 3D fitness (which trains the whole body!) I’d also talk to Jane about using a CBD tincture to see if it would show a difference in her mood, sleep, and mental clarity to start. In about 4-6 weeks, Jane starts to FEEL & see her results happening, which naturally motivates her to exercise more often. She started bike riding in the evenings and finds it helps regulate her mood too. From there we might start adding hemp into her breakfast for nutrients her body is missing (which makes anyone moody and hungry!)

One last example could be someone who uses cannabis all the time, they work out often too. They love using THC to work out, it gives them motivation and helps them feel good in their body. This gentleman might struggle with low energy and be at a plateau with cannabis fitness from time to time. During our session, we might discover he needs some rest days from cannabis & exercise. This client has a self-discovery moment a week into his rest days…he forgot how good it feels to slow down! He implements off days now in his training protocol to rest and recharge for what he loves most, his workouts!

These are just a few examples of the many different ways cannabis fitness is used. No two people are the same, but if there’s a will, I will find a way for you to be successful. That’s the main driving factor: if you’re willing to show up and put in the effort, momentum builds, and success will happen.

Let’s define the 'What' and 'How' of Mind Body Physique Cannabis Fitness, which will help you better understand your cannabis fitness experience and upgrade your well-being while getting in amazing shape.

What is "3D" or three-dimensional?

The human body is designed to react and respond to the ground, gravity, and any other external stimulus it receives. For example, when you take a step, your joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments respond and adapt to the ground beneath your feet. This reaction happens all the time, whenever we move and this ability gives us insight into how our body can move in three-dimensional space.

These movement patterns define our three planes of motion, which are, the Sagittal Plane (forward & back), the Frontal Plane (side-to-side), and the Transverse Plane (rotating). They work simultaneously in reacting to our environment and the task at hand. Throwing a ball, bending to pick something up, and getting in and out of the car are just a few that activate all three planes of motion. In these workout programs, you'll explore all three planes to enhance your movement quality.

What is 3D fitness?

The principles, strategies, and techniques of 3D fitness are established from Applied Functional Science (AFS). AFS is the science of movement! In other words, it's the practical science of how our joints, muscles, ligaments, etc. react and respond to our everyday physical activities. Traditional fitness aims towards isolating body parts and or regions of the body in one plane, maybe two planes of motion. This isolated approach to training the body can work, but it's not as authentic or efficient compared to MBP 3D fitness, which integrates the whole body in all three planes of motion. This series will equip you with 3D exercises that assist in balancing your body while toning your physique and increasing your baseline fitness overall.

So, what's cannabis fitness then?

When you mix MBP 3D fitness, & cannabis, you get Cannabis Fitness! At Mind Body Physique, cannabis fitness is defined as, biomechanical & endocannabinoid homeostasis. Biomechanics is the science of movement (AFS), this part you understand by now. So let's talk about our endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Our ECS is a system in our body that regulates our sleep, mood, stress, appetite, and so much more. If you're new to cannabis and would like to learn more about your ECS, I recommend reading through this general overview of the Endocannabinoid System. When our ECS is balanced and producing cannabinoids, our internal systems are working as they should, giving us a healthy mind & body in return. When we lack cannabinoids, we often see the opposite. Sleep disturbances, anxiousness, lack of motivation, and weight issues are just a few ailments to name.

With cannabis fitness training, you're getting it all.

Through MBP 3D fitness training, you're gaining biomechanical alignment, & with cannabis, you're receiving endocannabinoid homeostasis.

In these workout programs, you'll be nurturing both systems; conditioning you for a balanced, mind, body spirit & emotions.

Please consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen and ask them about using cannabis for your health. Individuals with preexisting conditions may have risks that others do not. In patients with high risk for (or already diagnosed) psychotic diseases, Delta 9 THC, Delta 8 THC & any other psychoactive cannabinoids should be avoided. Cannabis Fitness Training is not for everyone. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in these programs.

Here are a few FAQs that might help if you have further questions & some articles I'd recommend reading before starting your cannabis fitness journey.


Alright, so now you know the Whats & Hows of Cannabis Fitness.

Let's pick a program just for you!


Beginner Programs for the Cannabis Fitness Sprout

How to Move your Body Master Class!
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How to Move your Body Master Class!

Do you feel at home in your body?

Do your shoulders hunch over, neck protrude forward, and have a tight low back?

You're most likely missing an essential component to your exercise routine, or you don't have one yet!

If you've dreamed of moving your body as flawless as a leopard or as strong as a bull, this movement master class will give a mix of both for a balanced, fluent physique.

You'll cover all your biomechanical bases in just 20 minutes per day using your body weight.

  • Mobility/ Stability

  • Muscle strength

  • Coordination: in-synch & out-of-synch muscle relationships

  • Biomechanical alignment

  • Cardiovascular endurance

  • Flexibility/ elasticity

  • Full-body muscle-sculpting

  • Pelvic core support

  • Healthy, happy feet

  • Dynamic spinal movement & a pain-free neck

  • Mind-body harmony

Building an effective and safe fitness base should be fun, simple, and practical, inspiring you to live an independent, active lifestyle. If you've worked with personal trainers, physical therapists, or other fitness coaches but are still not satisfied with your body, purchase your How to Move Your Body Master Class & receive your dream physique in just 6-weeks.

You'll learn 3D exercises that move you outside of your regular movement box and inspire those little & big muscles to wake up!

  • You'll receive the simplest and most efficient systems to create the body of your dreams and keep it.

  • Re-programs your body to move as it should, using strategies backed by science and designed for any body type.

  • Includes six classes to watch on-demand. One lesson per week with three simple steps to follow each class.

  • Only 20 minutes a day is required for max results!

  • Perfect for beginners, fit pros, and movement professionals looking to add value to their fitness toolbox.

Valued at $10,000, but you'll get this Master Class E-book Today, for only $199.99!

3D Functional Foundations to Cannabis Fitness: Chakra Series!
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3D Functional Foundations to Cannabis Fitness: Chakra Series!

Welcome to The 3D Functional Foundations to Cannabis Fitness: Chakra Series! 7 workout videos on-demand, Designed for Cannabis Fitness Beginners, Balances your endocannabinoid system Strengthens your Biomechanics.

Inspired by the seven energy sectors of the body our Chakras, this e-book is perfect for the beginner embarking on their cannabis fitness journey.

This series will give you the tools to build your cannabis fitness functional foundation from a safe, effective, and fun approach. Through MBP 3D fitness training, you're gaining biomechanical alignment, & with cannabis, you're receiving endocannabinoid homeostasis.

In these workout programs, you'll be nurturing both systems; conditioning you for a balanced, mind, body spirit & emotions.

Focus on one chakra a day or do the whole series from start to finish. Headphones are recommended for your best experience. Workouts are about 20 minutes in length and easy to do just about anywhere! All you’ll need is your bodyweight & cannabis if you choose to use it.

Alright, so now you know the what's & how's of cannabis fitness. Let's get moving and grooving!!

Cannabis Fitness Session Cannabis Fitness Session
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Cannabis Fitness Session

Start cannabis fitness today with a 45-minute to an-hour consultation. We’ll talk about your mind, body, spirit, and emotional goals by looking at your current and previous health history. From there, we’ll define your next best steps in using cannabis for your fitness goals. Through a 3D movement evaluation + an Oracle Card Reading, you’ll leave this session with a plan of action for cannabis fitness training!

Package rates are available! We’ll discuss this in your consultation too :) Once you purchase a session look out for an email from kendra@Mindbodyphysique.com to schedule your session.

Talk soon,

Kendra Solow

FAFS 3D Movement Specalist

Cannabis Fitness Trainer & Certfied CBD Coach

Thai Massage Therapist


Intermediate Programs for the Cannabis Fitness Enthusiast

MBP Body Confidence Course

The Body Confidence Cannabis Fitness Course is DIY program designed to mimic the seasons; get clear on where you are (Winter), where you want to go (Spring), and what it takes to get there (Summer), so at the end of eight weeks (Fall), you'll be celebrating a whole new you and, most of all, a much more confident YOU.

Download Now or read more about the program here: https://www.mindbodyphysique.com/mbp-body-confidence-cannabis-fitness-course

The Fat-Burning Cannabis Exercise Success System
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The Fat-Burning Cannabis Exercise Success System

The Fat-Burning Cannabis Exercise Success System will help you

  • Burn fat​

  • Sculpt & Tone​

  • Build Strength​

  • Reduce Pain​

  • Improve Focus​

  • Ease Muscle Tension

  • ​Enhance Mind-Muscle Connection

  • ​Increase Flexibility, Mobility & Stability

  • ​Create a body you can be confident and proud of!

Purchase, download, and press play. These lit Fit workouts are on-demand and crafted for all fitness levels.

  • Cardio & Kush

  • Lit HIIT

  • Toned & Stoned

  • Wake n' Bake Yoga

  • Roll it up, Roll it out Foam Rolling Routine

  • Build a Booty w/ a Blunt

Total Value: $660

But today, you're getting all of this for only $22.22

Start feeling the lit fit difference now!

Cannabis Fitness Session

Start cannabis fitness today with a 45-minute to an-hour consultation. We’ll talk about your mind, body, spirit, and emotional goals by looking at your current and previous health history. From there, we’ll define your next best steps in using cannabis for your fitness goals. Through a 3D movement evaluation + an Oracle Card Reading, you’ll leave this session with a plan of action for cannabis fitness training!

Package rates are available! We’ll discuss this in your consultation too :) Once you purchase a session look out for an email from kendra@Mindbodyphysique.com to schedule your session.

Talk soon,

Kendra Solow

FAFS 3D Movement Specalist

Cannabis Fitness Trainer & Certfied CBD Coach

Thai Massage Therapist


Advanced Program for the Proactive Pothead

Do you like you smoke weed and get sh*t done? You could be a…

  • Fitness guru?

  • Cannabis connoisseur?

  • Fitness, health, or movement professional?

  • Cannabis grower, dispensary employee, or work in a cannabis-related business?

  • Dog mom or dad, a parent?

  • 9-5 worker and ready to give more to your business instead?

In this program, I coach you on how to use cannabis & exercise to elevate your reality with strategy!


If you fall into one of the categories I listed above, you understand that anything you choose to have in life takes time to build and practice so it can be successful. You also understand that your plate is full—full of time spent working, parenting, in relationships, and taking care of all the essentials in your life.

If you’re already using cannabis in your exercise program/ have an exercise program/ or use cannabis often, you know how valuable these tools are to you. But you’re most likely missing that little something to get you unstuck, and moving towards those deep-seeded goals and dreams within you.

As I've learned from my 15 years as a fitness coach, 10 years as a business owner, and 8 of them as an entrepreneur, life can be tremendously difficult if you don't train for it, if you don't have a support system, and most of all, that even the best deserve a COACH!

With 15 years in the fitness, health and wellness space, I've done a lot of sh*t! From website creation to establishing government contracts. Hosting cannabis fitness events in SoCal, and Women's Moon Circles in FL, written curriculums for Universities, worked at CU & trained college athletes. Created courses for high-end institutions like Idea Fitness (and trained their Founder... Hey, Kathy lol)

I'm not trying to toot my own horn but I want you to know, I fudging get it. The path to having a business that supports you and your family takes time + you wanna feel & look amazing on your way there. You also don’t want to compromise what’s important to you, like your family.

I'm a mom and a single parent at that. I live in an RV (which isn't as primitive as some of the off-grid housing I've resided in before) I built a Yurt in Oregon, lived off-grid in Colorado...but I've also lived downtown in San Diego, and got stuck in traffic for three hours each day, hustled 5+ jobs at once and still didn't make enough to pay rent! lol

So I've learned a lot about business, cannabis & exercise, farming, people, places, nature, mental health, & so so much spiritual health. Did I mention I've worked with Beth Katherine on my Priestess business path or that I've mentored with whales, dolphins, and Blue Ray light beings...?! that might be a little out there for you but at the same time, if you know, you know!

There's so much more I want to share with you but this program isn't about me, it's really about you.

This program gives you time and space to be with your authenticity, a pause in the day-to-day, and focus on where you are with yourself. Your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health (do I need to mention this is an advanced program again? lol) This program is for The Realest of the Real, not just some weekend warrior type.

Growing your life to the next level will take work and a firm commitment to yourself. Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health must grow to make your dreams fulfilling, wholesome, and ideal.

Balance is where it's at homie!

Let me tell you, even after doing all the things I told you I've done with my business/ life, you know what is the most rewarding? It's that I'm a single mom (+ two dogs, we know that's like two more kids lol) and my business (that I freaking LOVE) is supporting my family right now.

I don't have to be away from my baby; he's with me while I work. I'm not living two separate lives. One being going to work for 8 hours while he's in daycare, and then in the mornings and evenings, I'm his mom. Nope. Instead, I'm his momma 24/7, and then I run my own business. I got that ish integrated!!

How did I get here? I trained for it.

As I said, even coaches need a coach. I've worked with so many coaches, and I still do to this day, because they motivate, encourage, and bring clarity into the chaos through usually laughter and their personal experiences. Coaches also help me take actionable, realistic steps in my business that aren't overwhelming but some of the most fun I've ever had.

That's where I come in, & this dope program!

You'll be investing those sweet, hard-working dollars right back into you for years to come, through this divine DIY/ mentoring opportunity with me. It's like having a personal trainer, biz coach, and homie all in one.

What can you expect when you purchase the High & Healthy Human Advanced Program?

Once a week for six weeks we'll meet via. Google Meets for 45 minutes, and during this time we're gonna navigate the way to cultivate your healthiest self while planning/ growing your business!

Through a functional, efficient & hybrid blend of these modalities:

  • Movement! You're gonna get a workout that's catered to your fitness goals, covering all of your functional fitness bases. Strength, stability, mobility, flexibility, and cardio endurance so you can FEEL & LOOK amazing while you build dat biz!

  • Guided meditations, oracle readings, breathwork, self-massage & yoga so you can unblock stagnant energy and make space for the new.

  • Planning your business in steps that you can do today, tomorrow, and within the week to start seeing results.

What do you need to participate?

  • You!

  • A mat, towel, floor, grass something you’re comfortable to move on.

  • Cannabis if you choose to use it for your workout

  • A notebook, your phone or laptop

  • An open heart & an open mind.

Each week you'll leave our session having checked off these boxes:

  1. Physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health tuned, toned & strengthened: ☑

  2. Business plans are brainstormed and set into actionable steps that you can accomplish before we meet next: ☑

  3. Progress HYPE! Laughs, week recap, and all the heartfelt support to keep you moving in the right direction: ☑

  4. Movement or meditation homework for a wholesome integration of this new energy & space you're co-creating with your highest self: ☑

If you’re a proactive pothead, I’m ready for you!