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Posts tagged healthy life
You are worthy of a a healthy life.

Do you have beliefs that you aren't worthy of being healthy?

*I don't have time to eat good.
*My partner doesn't eat good so it's hard for me.
*Exercising sucks, I just hate it."

What you tell yourself about your life will come true, so why not tell yourself better?

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Gentle guidance from a good friend up above. Rest easy, Vince.

A dear friend of mine that was a massage therapist & personal trainer passed away last year.

We worked together on and off for years at the same gym, traveled to Michigan for functional movement school

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How dogs helped me become aware of my energy.

Being around animals, especially dogs, has helped me become aware of my energy.

Dogs see us as our energy in the present moment and respond to the message we are projecting. If we're unsure of them or the environment, they take over and become pack leaders.

Ma dog mom & dad's out there kno dis! When they listen only when they want, or you have to yell to get their focus?

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