Anxiety is a precious gift of love to yourself.
Anxiety is a precious gift of love to yourself.
What I mean is I used to be afraid to drive on the highway.
Every time I got in the car and knew I had to be on the highway, I'd start panicking.
All the "what if's" would overwhelm me & I'd be in a state of flight or fight in no time.
Neurotic & on-edge.
No beno when ur just tryin to go shopping ya kno? lol
This was my norm, but I knew it wouldn't be my forever.
So I'd pray & ask for the guidance of my spirit squad, for immediate protection (cause I felt SO vulnerable) & also, WTF what does this mean yo?!
So I was guided to study myself & these situations. I discovered my nervous system was stuck on overdrive in this mode.
Same thoughts. Feelings everything. It was like a PTSD scenario that I had created within my mind.
For some reason I let myself believe that I had to "do it all".
If I wasn't on guard who would be? ya kno?
That's no way to live but it was very real for me until I was met with experiences that challenged this belief.
Those dark experiences helped me ground myself in grace, trust, hope & unconditional love during times that I was ACTUALLY in harm’s way.
Painful rollercoaster relationships...
Toxic business partnerships...
Under-eating & over-exercising...
I made a decision whether I knew it was right or wrong at that time, and then trusted it, so I could FIND OUT WHAT WAS BEST FOR ME.
& admit that I didn't have all the answers but I didn't need to know them either.
I just needed to TRUST MYSELF.
& with trusting myself, everything else would flow.
During those times & still to this day, I practice trusting myself during my workouts. Using cannabis to explore different movements, thoughts, ideas, perspectives.
Playing in the unknown while still trusting that I am stable, strong, and secure, no matter what helped grow my confidence to step into what I TRULY deserved.
A balanced, pleasurable, successful, fun-loving life, grounded in all the ways that will continue to strengthen the foundations I've discovered is BEST FOR ME.
P.S: You know what's best for you. Trust yo-self👨🦯