It's okay to put your life first before your family, friends, or lovers.

Establishing your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual & financial needs on your own is SO healthy.

I used to be afraid of making decisions independently, always thinking I needed a second opinion or perspective before making the "right" decision for MYSELF.

Looking for validation on the outside trained my mindset to think I couldn't make good decisions & others knew what was best for me.

This "me second" mindset attracted toxic energy into my life that would take whatever it could from me because I trusted others before myself.

A big, black hole of confusion is where I lived 24/7!

"Why am I being treated this way after doing A, B, & C for this person?"

Because when you put yourself second is where others will put you too.

So now, when it's difficult to say no or let go of people in life, I find strength knowing that it's easier to say bye now rather than later.

Identifying the red flags and DOING something about it is step number 1.

Just by asking the most straightforward question, "Is _____ healthiest for me?" It can save you much time, heartache, confusion, money, and so on.

When you start to move away from the mindset of "helping everyone" and learn to help yourself first, is where a healthy life for you and others begins to grow.

Cannabis fitness keeps dis healthy train chugging along & helps stiff through all my emotional muck to see what's best for me.

Do you have a way of clearing out the muck and checking in with yourself?
