What are you "working out" when you workout?
Yesterday while running errands elevated (I love how it helps me not be in a hurry!), the word 'workout' presented itself in a new way to me.
"Oh, dang, I'm actually working out things!!"
You know, "like work out the kinks," or "smooth out a situation."
That's the simplest way to put it when it's time to exercise; It's time to balance things out, to solve something, such as a problem by process of reasoning or calculation or reflection.
It can arise as an emotional workout, like when you're upset, so you go run 4 miles (my early teenage years were filled with days like this!) and you find yourself letting all your tears wash you clean. Or an actual physical workout-workout when you're training for a race, event, etc., you need to 'work out' the kinks before your big day!
Working-things-out benefits our spiritual and mental health too.
For example, maybe you've wanted to connect more with your faith, so you end up going to a wonderful yoga class that just lights up your hope and joy. Leaving you feeling supported by the things you can't see but feel!
Or if you're dealing with a lot of stress, mental muck & confusion, so you hit the gym and get into the nitty-gritty!
During your "workout," you discover new ways to see your 'problems.' You can finally acknowledge (after a bit of ass-kicking) where you messed up or where boundaries need to be established. After your session, you feel as light as a bird, and those situations start to move forward almost magically.
This is cannabis fitness training in a nutshell! A tool to inspire a healthy balanced lifestyle by highlighting what drives you to be your best self.
From there, the opportunities arise to align and allow you to be, have, and do that! As a result, you start to feel better overall in your body; your mind is calmer & things begin to flow again because you've worked them out!
What are you working out today?
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