There is you & then there is everyone else.

This solo dolo adventure this past month has brought so much of my old beliefs to the surface. Today especially, heightening a pondering thought.

Where is the line between putting myself first and also honoring others?

Recently I’ve been slammed with opportunities to collaborate with other fitness & cannabis professionals. You would think this is exactly what I’ve been hoping for (and I have) until this morning it hit me, after a gentle wake n’ bake.

I’m still in the phase of figuring out my own rhythm.

Since December, I’ve had a new life instilled within me and respecting it has been challenging, The old Kendra that wants to please everyone, keeps chiming in like an overbearing family member. They love you, so they want the best for you, but it’s just annoying because they don’t know what’s really BEST FOR YOU.

Ya, dig?

My heart can feel which collaborations suite my soul right now and which ones aren’t ready to harness. Yet I have this mentality that I can DO IT ALL. & I certainly can, but I’m anxious when I do.

& that’s how I know which path to stroll down. Because in the past, I made friends with my anxiety. But I later realized that not all ‘friends’ are good for me. My anxiety was running the show, instead of ME.

So today I asked my anxiety to hit the road jack! This girl is in the driver seat and we’re on two different highways.

Coming home to myself once again, & loving how comfortable it is here.