We don't get what we want in life, we get what we are.
Perfection plagued me for so many years expressing its self through bulimia, depression, anxiety & OCD.
A sense of control ran through my veins at every moment; trying to hold on to external gratification that would only leave me needing more.
Consume more, have more, be more until I faced the acceptance that I can't control life.
& it's so funny because, at my deepest core, I craved freedom.
I believed that I could create freedom through control but all it did was stir the pot and make matters worse.
After years of insanity & putting my trust in someone that was just as unstable as me, I finally found stability once I trusted myself to always be there for myself.
That no matter who, what, where, when, and why things happen in my life, ill always be there to heal, nurture, and do what I gotta do for myself.
It might not make sense to everyone that reads this and that's good, cause I hope most ppl don't have to go through the trials of low self-confidence as I did.
But for ya'll that feel me, u know how it goes and I pray these words to meet u on the other side.
Cause once you surrender control and commit to yourself, your happiness, and yo health, life lives through you, moves through u and YOU become the creator of your willlllldest dreams.
"We don't get what we want in life, we get what we are." -KVS
So who u be rn?! 👑
@thevitography @mj.tours @klover_up