Lit Fit Live! Receptive Strength & Functional Filtering Workout ♻️

Staying open or receptive to the good things in life can be challenging when your filter is overwhelmed by toxicity.

The same way a water filter is needed to provide clean and pure hydration, our emotional and spiritual health needs filtering too.

So how do you know if you need a new filtration system or if it's time to clean out the old one?

Ask yourself!

"Hey, self, where do I need more filtering in my life so I can still feel safe and receptive to my blessings?"

Maybe your spiritual house cleaning needs to be done with social media, or your home could use a detox from old "stuff."

Your answer could be to look at your mindset. Are you putting yourself first in life or second?

After this workout today, I felt on top of things, but as the day went on, a deep sense of sadness settled in my body. This sorrow reminded me that it's always been there and most likely always will, but there's nothing wrong with it or me.

It reminds me that I'm giving my best every day, and I'm allowed to be impatient, frustrated when things aren't where I want them to be.

So, where do your filters need cleaning so you can receive your best self?

This workout will bring those feelings to the surface & allow you to move through them naturally.

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