How do you win the battle of your inner self-talk?

How do you win the battle of your inner self-talk?

Don't lose energy.

Every day we're having an ongoing conversation with ourselves. What to eat, what to wear, who we gonna chill with later, what kind of workout are we gonna get in today...

That's a healthy dialogue.

But what happens when that conversation no longer becomes a discussion but is based on insecurity and fear?

Anxiety pops up, and depression settles its dark cloud overhead and that's when the conversation can become hurtful, hopeless, and not healthy.

You feel it too. Irritable, tired, and sad.

The inner war is going, and you're losing energy.

So what do you do?

You put that mofo in its place!

No matter what the fuck it says to you, you stand in your peace, like a warrior at the face of a thousand enemies.


You might not feel this way when you first stand up to yourself and that's iiight.

Cause it's scary af to look yourself in the mirror, stiff through all the bullshit, and digest what lesson you're teaching yourself.

Even though you might not realize it now, you are always subconsciously looking out for yourself.

But sometimes like a family member, co-worker, or friend that can come off critical and overbearing., you block them out because you don't communicate in that way, or take advice from that type of energy that's being projected.

You're protecting yourself and your energy, yay! So make sure you're doing it wit that voice inside your head too!

Cause if you can redirect your focus towards a balanced, non-judgmental, coach-like inner self-talk, you'll win every time and come out a little bit wiser too.

You only lose energy when you give up your power.

So don't do that sh*t lolll