Loving our bodies comes with 🕰️ I used to hate this belly of mine...😩
I used to hate this belly of mine... so many years of pointing the finger at my mid section, putting the blame on it for my unhappiness.
Yet, it wasn't all my fault that I carried weight in my tummy. You know... processed foods, lack of activity, and understanding my body was still maturing.
My mind too; growing, learning. Along side with my spirit & heart. Weight holds where the body believes it needs it for protection.
To move freely + feeling safe in your environment allows the mind, body, spirit & emotions to breathe.
Creating own our balance in life is challenging and yet also the greatest reward!
The weight came off my belly dramatically when I started to use cannabis in combination with my movement style.
Some days are a workout, mentally/emotionally or spiritually, when others my body gets the load. But at the end of each day, there's still a workout completed, lol
This is how Cannabis Fitness Training really works to benefit the whole self. To help bring new breath into your muscles, the mindset (your perspective on things), the heart & how can it love more yet still be safe? && the soul ofc. What do you want in life/ what does happiness look and feel like to you?
These never-ending questions start to have inner dialogs, and then they root, & grow.
Nature, Fitness & Cannabis working together to build your healthiest self.
Who else agrees out there?! I know ya'll be shy sometimes, but it's safe to be high & healthy here!
#mindbodyphysique #highandhealthy #cannabisfitness #nature #Fitness #cannabis #mindbodyspirit #workout #yoga #appliedfunctionalscience #fitnesstrainer #onlinepersonaltrainer #strengthtraining #bodyweightworkout #mystory #postpartumhealth