Boundaries are The Midas Touch.
Most people believe ‘boundaries’ is a word with strong energy behind the meaning NO. But what if it’s actually soft, with a genuine demeanor, of simply, “please do not continue?”
Boundaries are the Midas touch to helping each of us craft healthy, peaceful & prosperous lives.
& with the understanding of how and when you set your standards, is how we build confidence in our ability to look out for our wellbeing/ best interest. Here’s where we can caught up though…
Most of us don’t know this about ourselves!! We actually rely most of the time on other people’s reactions to us, to guide what boundaries are set. Let me give you a hard example lol Hard being we all do this!
DRIVING! When that car cuts us off, we almost instantly want to go cut them off or throw up a finger… Ya feel me?! That right there just shows us That person was in my bubble & i’m pissed!! So we honk, tailgate them etc. etc. lol BUT what if that same scenario happens to us & instead of getting so angry and putting ourselves in harm we stay in the ‘observer mindset’
“oh, hey that guy is driving like dick” & then maybe we recall a time, we’ve done that too, even laugh out loud how often you’ve driven like that (anyone else a reckless teen with a license? GUILTY!) But this observant attitude helps us see the situation without draining our energy.
Now, not every situation is gonna be that cut & dry and again, that’s why we gotta look at our own boundary energy before we’re tested to set them. What do I mean?
Let’s think about a time when you were really stressed out, how did your day go? Most likely, you made little things a big deal & probably took out your stress on someone else. Blaming them for your exhausted nervous system!
This boundary energy can be looked at like a Marathoner (no hate to runner btw lol) But let me explain… People that literally go marathons trying to contain their emotions (anger, resentment, unhappiness) are most common to these folks. They get to a breaking point though where maybe they do something a bit crazyyyyy like eat a whole bag of candy before bed or, go on a spending spree to get that dopamine rush of “ah all better”.
Is this ringing a bell for you? (again, guilty! lol
This person has went so damn long without settling a boundary that they’re unhappy, mad or annoyed with_____________ circumstance(s). So they binge & then the cycle continues. Which goes back to the beginning of this blog of why Boundaries are the Midas Touch!
Another example is the Sprinter, or interval feen lmao. This human, is constantly going back & forth, contradicting themselves, with very little inner dialogue to help them understand what’s really best for them. They’re jumping from one high to the next and wondering why, their lows are soooooo LOW. Like mental muck galore. Again, anger, unhappiness, and a nervous system with no homeostasis to retreat to.
Another cycle that can’t be broken unless they realize they’re not putting themselves first, simply! They think they are though because the sprinter is addicted to these highs & yes, the lows!! They’ve become so accustomed to them; probably was raised by a parent that role modeled it as well.
Here’s the Midas Touch with boundaries if you haven’t already figured it out friend, you gotta set standards with yourself and for the right reasons.
One more example that might really hit home for you. RELATIONSHIPS. “This person is treating me (insert issue here) & I deserve to be treated better.” To the mom who takes care of the kids 24/7, the house, & has a business, while dad is gone for days for work. He comes home, the kids are wild, mom is cranky. Mama, boundaries. boundaries.
Were not meant to run one marathon after another or constantly be doing sprints, we will burn out and our bodies will tell us! Injuries, aches, pains, dysfunctions.
We gotta create a pleasurable path in knowing ourselves. Sure, somedays will just be harder than others but that’s why if we can train for it and know why were working out, then we’ll be strong, mobile, dynamic, flexible and have the cardio endurance to use when we’re being tested but also the emotional intelligence and mental stability to say, “Hey, I need a boundary here before I let things build up and bubble over in the same way they always do for me!”
This is your ability to make everything that you are involved with very successful aka. The Midas Touch!
Kendra Solow
FAFS 3D Movement Specailst
Cannabis Fitness Trainer
Thai Massage Therapist