Lit Fit Live! 2 year anniversary workout 🥳
It's been 105 Mondays since my first Lit Fit Live! That's a lot of High & Healthy weeks, lol
As much as I hope these workouts challenge and uplift your mind, body & spirit, you should know they put me to the test too + have grown my life/business SO much!
Each week I ask, "Hey, Source, what kind of workout would best benefit my audience?"
Then I'll tap into what's been real for me recently, and then boom, the creative flow happens!
The playlist, the movements, all the things that want to be said & heard start to come through, and my class starts to mold itself.
Using this technique FEELS SO GOOD for instructing these classes, and it just makes sense. Life is constantly changing, but certain foundations are solid, so when I get to blend the scientific stuff of my movement education with my 11 years of experience + my intuition, the class comes out perfectly balanced!
Cardio, stretching, strength training, breathwork, balance, coordination, and much more flow into these workouts; it becomes a vital nutrient source of its own in just 30 min.
Thanks for supporting Lit Fit Live! over these past two years and MBP; remember all the replays are on Youtube & The Weedtube @mindbodyphysique, so you can lit fit whenever :)
See ya'll Monday for another high & healthy workout!
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