I didn't appreciate myself first.
The other day while walking my dogs, I experienced the fulfillment of appreciation like I haven't yet before.
Like yourself, most likely, I've always been told to appreciate what I have.
"Be thankful for your home."
"Your food"
The list grows with what we're reminded to be grateful for, and of course, they are all such blessings!
But the problem I dealt with for such a long-time was that I didn't appreciate myself first.
So as much as I wanted to be grateful for all-of-thee-above, it felt fake to me.
But a moment like the other day while walking my dogs & enjoying a joint of apple cobbler, a new world of gratitude awakened in me.
Happy tears rolled down my cheeks as the sunset glowed off in the distance. Walking with the trees, I spoke aloud all the things I felt so grateful for.
One primary blessing was the way I felt inside my skin.
It made sense to me why I couldn't connect to appreciate what I had for so long because I was missing the foundational piece.
The simplicity to recognize I am safe within myself.
I am stable, grounded, and focused.
I am beautiful.
I'm so healthy.
It's a game-changer not just telling myself these things, but now I am them.
Now it's much easier to receive and appreciate all those other things!
I tell ya, winter is such a wonderful time of the year (especially in fl lol), but really, it's the perfect moment to make S P A C E for the new.
What have you been grateful for today?
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