Someone pinch me. I'm 29 today!
As I soaked in the tub this morning to ease my moontime cramps (happy b-day from my uterus!) I became filled with gratitude for where I am in my life.
29 feels like the cusp where time meets momentum, and you get to see a glimpse of your past decisions synching with your future.
On the outside, I've never been happier with my body. Ma juicyy, fit female figure, and inside, it feels like I live in da garden of Eden.
I see the wisdom of time, experience, trial & error that I've journeyed through. Not just in my wrinkles or sunspots but in the way I carry myself.
Embodying my self-worth comes more naturally with knowing I've done my due diligence in my 20's.
Traveling all over the country and living out west. Working shit jobs that paid little to nothing to get the experience. Endured relationships that ripped my heart to pieces to show me that I deserve better. Being a dog mom and an aunt.
All these moments count for something, and this year it's showing.
In my business, my mental health, relationships.
Every bump in the road leads to here, a test of faith if what you desire in life is what's best for you.
The perfect job, a thriving business, the relationship of your dreams...
It might not show up when you're 22, 26, etc... but I promise you it starts to take root as your years grow.
You don't get what you want in life; you get what you are.
This is 29.
xo, Kendra