Living in balance with yourself is your healthiest you!

Today's high workout was just what I needed. Recovering from COVID, my lungs are still coming back to normal.

Setting my intention, I cleared my bowl, put on my sneakers & hit my street for a jog.

As my high settled in and my body warmed up, my thoughts were flowing with optimism.

"My body feels strong today."

"I can breathe better than yesterday."

"Wow, isssa great day!"

But as my jog became more demanding, my thoughts became heavier.

Soon I wasn't much in my body but in my head, playing through doubts, insecurities, past heartaches, and old emotions.

This is where the magic happens!

Instead of letting those thoughts weigh me down, I allowed them to bring me back into my body, coaching my way back to the present moment, to what is REAL.

"Yeah, that sucked, but you've grown so much since then, Kendra."

"It's okay to be feeling this way."

"Your heart is in the right place; at least you can feel it this time around!"

I was making peace with the past & present detoxifying my mind and nurturing a healthier dialogue.

Cannabis supported this process by releasing my mental resistance and jogging fed my cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen throughout my body.

Soon the wave was over—sweat pouring, leaving a massive smile on my face.

"Wow, I feel so much better... today is gonna be a great day!"

Sometimes we don't realize how tight or loose we are until we stretch and
the same goes for our minds; we don't always know how rigid or open we are with our boundaries, our energy.

Cannabis fitness can bring ya back into your center, your h"om"e, so you can feel your best and look it too.

Living in balance with yourself is your healthiest you!

#mindbodyphysique #cannabisfitness #highandhealthy #mindsethealth #balanced #nature #fitness #cannabis