Building Roots in your Self-Worth V-Blog

Having strong roots in your self-worth is gold.

But, unfortunately, anxiety, depression, and other self-esteem issues can rob us of a genuine connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Yesterday, while hanging on the beach with my bubs, a strong sense of security, independence, and appreciation sank into my heart after realizing that it took me a long time to get here!

Reflecting on the passing years and how I felt at different times brought to my attention the trust & self-reliance that's grown within me.

In this short v-blog, I mull over my experiences with not feeling connected to myself, this world, and how now, I do, but what it took to get here.

It's more simple than you might think, and I bet 99% of ya'll relate!

Kendra Solow

FAFS 3D Movement Specialist

Cannabis Fitness Trainer


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